Making a difference in emissions monitoring
Explicit is a pioneering technology company dedicated to advancing solutions for monitoring emissions using drones and manned aircraft. We offer monitoring concepts, technology and expertise to operators, industry, and authorities
looking to understand the nature and impact of emissions, document compliance, and enforce environmental limits. Our approach is anchored in solid science, validated methods, and proven technologies.

Measuring fugitive and diffuse emissions
Explicit has developed the Drone Flux Measurement (DFM) method, a solution to quantify GHGs emissions from different critical sources using a sniffer drone.
- Quantification of emissions
- Leakage detection
- 2D and 3D mapping
- CH4, CO2, N2O
- Energy production
- Agricultural production
- Landfills and waste water
- Offshore platforms
Measuring maritime emissions
Explicit is world-leading in solutions for monitoring vessel emissions at sea using both manned and unmanned aircraft to sample ship exhaust plumes.
- MARPOL Annex VI compliance monitoring of SOx and NOx
- Methane slip from LNG ships
- Black carbon and particle emissions
- Harbour entry and in-port areas
- Near-coast, rivers and canals
- Vessel-launched operations
- Broad aerial surveillance of shipping lanes

We are focused on providing our clients
with the highest quality emissions data

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Measurement inspections
Explicit has built a substantial track record within emissions monitoring using micro sensor technology and smart data processing. We have integrated our sensor instruments on multiple aircraft platforms, both manned and manned, and conducted measuring campaigns in several countries. Our objective is always the same - to provide our clients with the most reliable and actionable emissions data possible, so they can reach their environmental goals.
See cases